

fight\/struggle\/compete against:And they really fight against that.他们真的反对那东西。However, we can fight against this natural process by eating eggs.然而,我们可以通过食用鸡蛋来对抗这一自然过程。We fight against the idea of allowing even the most weak and sickly human perishand ...

balance ...against...怎么造句
He balanced himself when he was walk on the string to against falling.

分别用go about , go against , go ahead , go bed , go all out...
1.We must go about our work now.我现在必须要着手我们的工作.2.This misbehavior will go against his chance of promotion.这一错误行为将不利于他提升的机会.3.You go ahead and tell him that I'm coming.你先行一步,告诉他我随后就到.4.I want to go bed.我要睡觉了 .5.We must ...

...go against , go along with , go around, 造句,并写汉语_百度知 ...
go after:追求 eg:I've decided to go after that job in Ohio.我决定力争得到俄亥俄州的那份工作。go against: 反对 不利于 违反 eg:If you go against nature, it will punish you.如果你违背了在自然,它就会惩罚你。go along with: 赞同 eg:We will go along with your suggestion...

nothing against造句
i have nothing against you. 最简单了

be against doing造句
be against doing 网络 反对做某事;[例句]recent history suggests there will be many who argue against doing much.最近的历史表明,将会有许多人反对采取严厉措施。

...go against , go along with , go around, 造句,并写汉语_百度知 ...
1 I went after him in order to make friends with him. 我追上他为了和他交朋友2 He always goes against her because he doesn't like her. 因为他不喜欢她 所以他总是反对她3 I'll go along with you 我会跟你一起去的 4 go around 是有很多意思的 《1. ...

造句 英语
1、You better not be against us, man 你最好不要和我们作对 This would be against diplomatic etiquette 这将在外交上犯失礼的错误 2、You will be in danger if you walk on a railway line 如果你在铁轨上行走,那是很危险的 3、I think it would be useful for you to learn the ...

1.be for(赞同)造句 2.be against(反对)造句 初二水平
I am for your agree 我同意你的观点(看法)IBigamy is considered to be against law in many countries.在许多国家里重婚都被看作是违反法律的。

lead sb against the rule of 造句
he is a bastard because he led his girlfriend against the rule of the company.他是一个混蛋,因为他致使他的女友违反了公司的规定。

寇点衫18471878008:: 35. We have nothing against running! (have nothing against) 造句:我不反对你的计划! - 作业帮
@吉非文::::[答案] 35. I have nothing against your plan!

寇点衫18471878008:: 用have noything against doing sth.造句并翻译 -
@吉非文:::: have nothing against doing sth=argue for sth表示:不反对做某事(即赞成做某事)例如:lhavenothingagainstsingingloudly.=largueforsingingloudly(我不反对大声唱歌)

寇点衫18471878008:: be laughed at造句 fight against造句 -
@吉非文:::: We shouldn't be laugh at the disable.we must fight against the bad people

寇点衫18471878008:: 请用come up against 造句. -
@吉非文:::: I come up against my hand 我碰到我的手了.come up against 碰到的意思

寇点衫18471878008:: 用against one's will造句 -
@吉非文:::: 看了上面的这些答案,我感到真心奇怪 against one's will 这里的 one's 要根据实际情况替代展开的嘛,就像sth., sb.一样.I can't do anything against her will. 我不能做违背她意志的任何事.

寇点衫18471878008:: 谁帮我用这几个英语单词造句?accept 承认 ,ache痛 ,actress女演员,again ang again再三的,against 反对 ,adult成年人要写成作文的形式,刚刚没有说... - 作业帮
@吉非文::::[答案] I don't want to say it again and again,I've done nothing agaist you.In fact ,most adults have no idea what they really like .When she was a young,Mary wanted to be an actress.It is accepted that he is...

寇点衫18471878008:: 1.be for(赞同)造句 2.be against(反对)造句 - 作业帮
@吉非文::::[答案] I am for your agree 我同意你的观点(看法) IBigamy is considered to be against law in many countries. 在许多国家里重婚都被看作是违反法律的.

寇点衫18471878008:: 用against ones will造句 - 作业帮
@吉非文::::[答案] I won't do it against my will. 我不想违心地做这件事

寇点衫18471878008:: 英语造句go against - 作业帮
@吉非文::::[答案] go against 不利于;违反;反对 Such views,said Mr Obama's detractors,went against the grain of American values 与美国价值观相悖 The result went against his expectation.与他的期望相反 What you did went agaisnt the law.你的行为已经违反了法律.

寇点衫18471878008:: 用the,of,use,certain ,is,drugs,the,against,law造句 -
@吉非文:::: The use of drugs is againest the certain law.毒品的使用是对既成法律的一种反抗.
