

What will you do if you win a lot of money?当你赢了许多钱后你准备干什么?

这些单词可以连成这样一句话,We will try our best to win the game.

win的过去式是won They won the game last week.希望我的回答对您有帮助,满意请采纳,谢谢。

I just want to beat this bad guy.我想打败这个坏人。I win the game in the end.我最终在游戏中取胜。

用beat和win造句 各造一个
I just want to beat this bad guy.我想打败这个坏人.I win the game in the end.我最终在游戏中取胜.

用tour , stop , start , win , become 造句
My tour to the mountain is wonderful.I stopped him from cutting trees.I started to study English at the age of five.I won the match yesterday.I want to become a teacher when I grow up.

All the products enjoy high quality and win high praise from customers.所有的产品都具有很高的质量,从顾客那里赢得高度评价。Their brilliant performances win warm praise and applause from foreign guests.精彩演出博得了外国来宾的阵阵掌声。

Can I make a cake myself?Where is it made in?Let's read the book.He read the book last night.I ride a bike to the countryside.He says he is right.I don't understand what he said.Can you see the picture?I saw her joining the game just now.Our basketball team win ...

we won the game and beat them精锐

用winout guestion造句
含义:毫无疑问 造句内容:英文:Would you do it without question?中文:你会毫无疑问地去做吗?希望我的回答对您有所帮助,如果满意的话,请采纳我,谢谢。

鄂放壮15659181263:: 紧急求助用英文单词造句1.the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会2.international 国际的,世界的3.India 印度4.careful 小心的,仔细的5.win 获胜,赢得造贴近生... - 作业帮
@汲风秒::::[答案] Beijing will hold the 28th Olympic Games. This is an international call from China, I wanna speak to XXX. The little girl is from India. You should be careful when you go across the street. I will win this game!

鄂放壮15659181263:: 用start、become、stop、tour、win造句!!
@汲风秒:::: 1.I started to prepare for the plan that I win the first prize in composition. 2.As a result of experiencing the great changes that China has break out and became more and more powerful. 3.The Forbbiden City wasn't to be shown around and you have ...

鄂放壮15659181263:: 请问如何用win和beat来造句:昨天,三班打败了二班,赢了篮球赛. - 作业帮
@汲风秒::::[答案] Yesterday,the class three beat class two,won the basketball match thanks给你参考参考,

鄂放壮15659181263:: 造句· 英语1win 2reporter 3prepare 4hate 5seem 6glass 7look out for 8askfor
@汲风秒:::: 1 we want to win 2 he is the reporter 3 I prepared well 4 I hate you 5 It seems fine 6 there's a glass of water 7 he looks out for sightview 9 he asked for food.

鄂放壮15659181263:: win the prize for造句 - 作业帮
@汲风秒::::[答案] I always win the prize for the worst garden in the town 由于花园最脏,才得奖

鄂放壮15659181263:: window怎么造句 -
@汲风秒:::: The sunshine through my window and warms me

鄂放壮15659181263:: win a prize英语造句 - 作业帮
@汲风秒::::[答案] I won a prize in the English Competition for middle school students.

鄂放壮15659181263:: ask与close the windows造句 -
@汲风秒:::: The teacher asked Aaron to close the windows.老师让艾伦把窗户关上.

鄂放壮15659181263:: winback 造句 -
@汲风秒:::: win back 恢复,夺得 同:[v.] get back 参考例句 They are determined to win back the trophy. 他们决心重新夺回奖杯. He hoped to win her love back. 他希望努力重新获得她的爱.

鄂放壮15659181263:: 英语翻译听了材料就是在89页的Section B 2a,2b How was your day off,Tina?开头 没就算了 但是Section B 3b必须有还有帮我用buy win,watch,meet,have 造造句 - 作业帮
@汲风秒::::[答案] 亲爱的尼克, 谢谢你的来信.很抱歉你不能好好享受你的休息日.我的日子就能被(重大的).我去(首都),我除以每年拜访(博物馆).这是有趣的).我们看到(许多旧的东西都堆在了博物馆).我买了(许多礼物).这是一个真正(兴奋)的日子.尽快...
