

Frozen, an animated film, is a blockbuster and is popular worldwide. Recently, it has won the 2014 Oscar Academy Awards of Best Animated Feature Film and Best Song. I think it deserves those as it’s well-made all the way around--from the scenes to the theme song and especially the unique story that is rarely found in Disney animations these days.
Firstly, the producer creates awesome animation effects by using high-tech 3D. The story presents a snowy world. It’s such a crystal clear and terribly amazing place that I hold my breath. How I want to sing and dance in this dream world, together with Elsa, Anna and their friends!
Secondly, I like the theme song, Let It Go very much. It sounds inspiring and empowers people energy. The melody is easy to learn, especially the climax of the song. The lyrics are concise and meaningful. For example, it's time to see what I can do/ to test the limits and break through/ no right, no wrong, no rules for me. These lines encourage people to let go those past unpleasant experiences and embrace a new self who dares to challenge himself. In reality, we are not confident in ourselves or feel disappointed and hopeless towards the future because we pay much attention to our dim past and others’ opinions about us. Then how can we handle it? Let all those worries go! Just be the one you want to be! The song suggests us like that.
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Finally, the plot refreshes a traditional fairy tale in our mind that a prince and a princess are sure to have a happy ending. While in Frozen, the prince is evil, selfish and cruel and such a man is Hans. He pretends to fall in love with Princess Anna at first sight in order to grab her throne sometime. The innocent Anna has an illusion that their love is true love. When Hans reveals his wicked face, it occurs to Anna that their love is a cheat and her true love is an ordinary man Kristoff. This spurs me to consider what true love is. It has nothing to do with appearance and family background. Moreover, true love doesn’t need to speak out loudly. After going through ups and downs, hand in hand, if a boy and a girl still stay together and support each other, that is true love. Since Hans is handsome and is born in a royal family
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, it’s reasonable for Anna to have good feelings of him but that’s not love. Instead, Kristoff looks plain and is in short of money from time to time. He doesn’t make pledge of eternal love like Hans, but always turns up when Anna is in help. They are accustome

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