

In this winter ,I watched a film ,it called Frozen.It is about two girls--Elsa and Anna.They were very closed when they are young.One day,Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly.Then Elsa was scared,and not to touch anyone including Anna.From the film,I learn two things ...

英语作文,看了冰雪奇缘后有什么感想,作文是写一篇读后感,也可以在其 ...
作文:In winter I watch a film,who is called Frozen,it is about two girls called Elsa and Anna. They were very closed in kid,one day Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly. Then Elsa start to scare her power,and not to propinquity anybody including Anna. Stop in here ,i...

Yesterday,I saw a very good film.Its name is《Frozen》.There are two lovely little princesses living in the alun kingdom, Elsa and Anna.One morning, she was sleeping in bed, and she was dragged by Anna."Want to make a snowman?"It wasn't meant to be Elsa didn't want ...

By the pain of love,natural need love to repay.

can truly their own ability to complete.So because of love, just and open the inner world, ability will no longer lose control.Better still need who tied the bell on the -- because love just closed, because love is open.By the pain of love, natural need love to repay.

《冰雪奇缘》——姐 妹情深英语作文

hurried to find sister, want to let elder sister put everything back to life. In the struggle, Anna help sister turned a sword. See here, I was so moved by. I also want to learn from them, solidarity and mutual assistance!中文 今天,我们看了电影,电影的名字叫“冰雪奇缘”。


My name is Xiong Xuan,and my English name is Nancy, I am 14 year old and in seventh grade, my favorite color is black, my favorite movie is ice and snow country, is the day when I go to school from Monday to Friday, on Saturday I usually get up at nine o 'clock,...


别衬刚18339325590:: 求初中英语小作文关于电影冰雪奇缘的观后感 80字左右一定要简单易懂 - 作业帮
@甄中紫::::[答案] 自己删减点吧.文法也有点错.别介意...哈In winter I watch a film,who is called Frozen,it is about two girls called Elsa and Anna.They were very closed in kid,one day Elsa hurt Anna with her power careles...

别衬刚18339325590:: 冰雪奇缘英语观后感100词带翻译 -
@甄中紫:::: 一个是活泼可爱的妹妹安娜,发生了一次意外.对这个女王有了极大的偏见,湖立刻就变成了冰,我和小姨他们一起去了广场旁边的金字塔电影院看我们一直所期待的《冰雪奇缘》. 观看了这部电影之后,就在这个同时.我们坐着电梯来到了楼...

别衬刚18339325590:: 冰雪奇缘英文梗概.50词左右. - 作业帮
@甄中紫::::[答案] Kingdom Allendale has two distinct personality princess - Elsa and Anna,sister Elsa frosty,elegant and desirable,sister Anna vivacity impulsive,adventurous.Elsa has the ability to control ice and snow...

别衬刚18339325590:: 看了冰雪奇缘,有什么感想,100字英文作文.thanks.
@甄中紫:::: 结局最后主人公们勇敢战胜了被冰封的雪地,让国家重新温暖如春.艾莎女王终于勇敢直面自己的能力,不再胆怯,因为越是害怕越是无法控制,当你遇到艰难与错误,越是害怕,越是无法战胜,面对困难和惊惧,要勇敢面对而不是一味逃避.而善良勇敢的安娜公主用自己的勇敢无畏以及善良温暖,终于唤回了姐姐的心,给了艾莎开始新生活的勇气,最后也得到了属于自己的幸福.世界上战胜寒冷的东西就是爱,能使一切冰寒融化.要相信爱,用心去体味自己的内心,不要被恐惧蒙蔽双眼.

别衬刚18339325590:: 冰雪奇缘电影英语评价70字 -
@甄中紫:::: It's a very wonderful film.

别衬刚18339325590:: 冰雪奇缘英文梗概.50词左右.谢谢 - 作业帮
@甄中紫::::[答案] Kingdom Allendale has two distinct personality princess - Elsa and Anna, sister Elsa frosty, elegant and desirable, sister Anna vivacity impulsive, adventurous. Elsa has the ability to control ice a...

别衬刚18339325590:: 求 《冰雪奇缘》英文观后感,400词左右(尽量分版块) 要原创谢谢!!没有英文的话200字中文也可以!! -
@甄中紫:::: 迪士尼的公主电影似乎一直都是一个样子:貌美如花的公主,除了善良勇敢之类的勇敢品质一无所长,总是要依靠王子将她们从水深火热中解救出来.从白雪公主到灰姑娘,从贝儿到小美人鱼…… 但是艾萨和安娜是不同的.她们交给我们的是,你会不完美,你会有弱点,你甚至会闯祸,会逃避.但你依旧可以是一位公主.因为你会战胜那些你恐惧的东西,你会弥补你曾经的过错,并且哪怕你是一位公主,你依旧可以通过自己的努力去战胜一些东西.公主,并不代表娇弱.公主,也可以站起来,依靠自己,去找到想要的生活.P.S.如果要英文的话就追问,我明天试着翻译一下……

别衬刚18339325590:: 用英语写出《冰雪奇缘》讲了一个什么故事 - 作业帮
@甄中紫::::[答案] Aisha and Anna are two Princess Allen Dale kingdom.Aisha was born with the ability to manufacture ice magic,however,with the growth of the age,her ability is more and more strong,even nearly took her life.Aisha then becomes self enclosed,and to ...

别衬刚18339325590:: 帮忙用英文简介一下冰雪奇缘 100词以内就好了!大谢 - 作业帮
@甄中紫::::[答案] "Snow romance" is by Disney's Disney interaction according to its namesake animation film carefully build a puzzle to eliminate the game.In 2014 Disney movie of the same name Mobile Games "snow romanc...
