




Housework? Honestly speaking I never do houseworks. My mum does all of them. I hate doing houseworks because it is boring and tiring, and Learning English is boring and tiring enough for me. Whenever my mum ask me to wash dishes for her I shout to her "No Way! Study is already impossibly hard for me and more housework can only drive me closer to madness." That's all I know about housework. 家务?老实说,我从不做家务的。都是我老妈全包了。我讨厌做家务因为又累又无聊!学英语也一样!当我老妈叫我洗碗的时候,我就对她吼道:“没门!学习对我来说已经够要命的了,再加上家务活,只会让我更接近崩溃的边缘!”以上就是我对家务的理解。

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