


Electroless plating is a kind of don't need electricity, according to the principle of REDOX reaction, using the strong reducing agent in solution containing metal ions, the metal ions back into dense metal deposition in the surface of various materials and coating methods

Hello everyone, I am going to recite you a poem today and the poem is "Never Give Up".


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  • [欧姿固13061167343] - 请将下面这段话翻译成英文。
    融宗丹::Please let me pass.(请让我通行,这句话不能说,尤其是在海关,他们会觉得你蛮不讲理,让不让你通行是由他们决定,关键是看你有没有通行的资格或是否手续齐全)
  • [欧姿固13061167343] - 请把下面的句子翻译成英语,请务必保证语法正确。
    融宗丹::3 we should improve their own moral standard ( or culture ), enhanced resolution" the phenomenon of a" positive and negative aspects of ability, and consciously resist the" bad " bad influence.
  • [欧姿固13061167343] - 请把下面的话翻译成英文,谢谢.
    融宗丹::Hello !I'm very glad to know you .I used to think that Italy is a good country.It's beautiful , isn't it?And what about the climate?I admire you so much when I know you that can speak 4 different kinds of language.China ia a good country ,too. I will tell you ...
  • [欧姿固13061167343] - 请把下面的话翻译成英语。谢谢 不要用翻译器(我同学急要)
    融宗丹::I want to say I can't chat with you because there's something wrong with my computer, but you think I don't want to talk with you. And once you asked what am I doing,
  • [欧姿固13061167343] - 汉翻英,请将下面的这段话翻译成英语,急急急!谢谢
    融宗丹::not guaranteed, unable to experience goods, more serious is the online payment risks. If people like to buy, then please circumspect, into a regular online consumption, so as to ensure the quality but also can guarantee the unnecessary money loss.不容易啊,希望能对您有所帮助 ...
  • [欧姿固13061167343] - 请帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语,谢谢喔
    融宗丹::attend the personal interview,and were envious of you.She has a classmate,because of falling the interview , didn't go to the Hongkong University.We all wish we can help you , although it has one day left ,we are full of hope,Come on!自己翻译的 也许会有很多错误哦 见谅!
  • [欧姿固13061167343] - 请帮我把下面的句子翻译成英语
    融宗丹::world, is also one of the working languages of the United nations.2 Chinese written language unity, speaking in Mandarin as the standard language.3 with the development of China, more and more people in the world are starting to learn chinese.o(n-n)o~~~希望能帮到你~~~...
  • [欧姿固13061167343] - 英语翻译 请帮忙翻译下下面这句话 “一直恋着这样一个人!一个也许并...
    融宗丹::楼上的翻译错的!相信我,正确的应该这样翻译:中文:一直恋着这样一个人!一个也许并不知道我心意的人!”译文:I was always loving a person,a person who may never know my love.
  • [欧姿固13061167343] - 请翻译下面这句话到英语 我享受改变对方成见,认同自己观点的成就感...
    融宗丹::句子主句缩短了是:“我享受成就感。”“改变对方成见,认同自己观点”是对成就感的一个说明哈,所以整个句子如下 I enjoy the achievability to change the stereotypes of each other, agree with my views of accomplishment
  • [欧姿固13061167343] - 请将下面的话翻译成英语,谢谢。
    融宗丹::Dear dad and mama:Howe are you,I am pleased to hear from you.Now it should be the time for my wife and I to take care of you,but we made you worried for our things;I can't take my responsibility properly,I feel very guilty;I hope you will take good care of yourself...
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