


"Comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development" is the 17th to the basic requirement of scientific development in our country, the basic requirement of scientific development is also for the vast number of enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises to a certain extent, affects the region and even the entire national economic prosperity and social stability, but private enterprises also has an indispensable status. Study of sustainable development strategy of private enterprises, this paper has far-reaching and great practical significance. But at present, many private enterprises lack of strategic awareness, but also has many problems. This paper is to study the establishment of the sustainable development strategy as the main line, the private enterprises are faced with the several major problems, put forward their own views and solutions. Develop and implement the correct enterprise strategy, has become the key determinants of enterprise can be in an impregnable position, in this

I'm sorry , Perhap,Mr. Hu is on the plane now, I can't catch him for the moment. I would let him e-mail you soon, since he will come back tomorrow.

Hello !
I'm very glad to know you .
I used to think that Italy is a good country.It's beautiful , isn't it?And what about the climate?
I admire you so much when I know you that can speak 4 different kinds of language.
China ia a good country ,too. I will tell you everything you want to know if you're interested in Chinese culture.
I'm 15 year old .Just one year older than you.Nowadays,I'm in senior middle school .Grade 1.
Recently ,I'm learning Janpanese and English.I always think that cherry blossom is very beautiful......
Hope your letter.

Hello, I'm very glad to meet you.
I think Italy is a fantastic country, isn't it? It's very beautiful there, right? What's the climate like?
I do admire you, because you can speak four languages.
China is a great country. If you want to know something about Chinese culture, I'll tell whatever you want to know.
I'm 15 years old, a little bit elder than you. I'm in grade one in high school. I'm studing Jampanese and English. I believe that Japanese cherry flowers are very beautiful.

Hello! I am very pleased to realize you
I think that Italy is a great country, where very pretty? How climate?
I admire you ah, you would say that in four languages!
China is pretty good. You want to understand the Chinese culture, I would be able to tell you all the things you want to know ~
I am 15 years old this year, than you to the point in my high one. Now I have been learning Japanese and English. Feel that I have been very beautiful cherry blossoms in Japan ~
Looking forward to your reply!

It's a pleasure to meet you!
I think Italy it's a prefect country?There is evry beatutiful,isn't it?Hao about weather?
I'm evry admise you because you can speak four
different language!
China is a prefect country too!if you want to know something about Chinaese culture!I'm glad to tell you all the things what you want to know!
I'm 15 year old and older than you a litte,I'm is a Crade1 student in Senior High School !I'm study Japanese and English at all times.I always feeled cherry blossom is very beatutiful.....
Looking forward to your reply!




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    宣具疯::In Chiniese long history and rich cultural background, people always put "red" with luck, happiness, festival, generosity, energy, honour and so on together. From red doors and walls to red wooden ark; From child's red abdomen wraps up to the traditional wedding brides' red ...
  • [羿朋逃19524165557] - 请把下面一段文字翻译成英文,谢谢!
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  • [羿朋逃19524165557] - 急需~~~请把下面中文翻译成英文,谢谢:我叫…来自…今年十六岁,我非...
    宣具疯::你好!翻译如下:I am XXX. I come from XXX. I am sixteen years old. I love learning knowledge very much. My hobbies are singing, reading and doing some sports. My great dream is to become a doctor. I hope I can stay here for study. Thanks so much.希望能够帮到你!小石...
  • [羿朋逃19524165557] - 请把下列句子翻译成英文..谢了亲
    宣具疯::一个男人爱你,你是妻子;you are a wife when a man loves you 几个男人爱你,你是女人;you are a woman when a few men love you 几十个男人爱你,你是妖精,you are a witch when bunch of men love you 一百个男人爱你,你是偶像;you are an idol when several hundreds of men ...
  • [羿朋逃19524165557] - 请帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语,谢谢喔
    宣具疯::hello,nice to meet you,I'm XX, my English name is XX.congradulations!U have the chance to join the Hongkang University's interview. Now,introduce your oral English to you,this is XX,studying in the Ha'erbing University. Please introduce youself .She is an excellent sister....
  • [羿朋逃19524165557] - 请把下面的话翻译成英文:“老师,现在把我们班关于behaviorism小组讨论...
    宣具疯::Teacher(你老师姓什么啊 男的女的啊? 最后用 Mr.___或者 Ms.___), I sent an attachment to you. It's about the "behaviorism" discussed by the groups of our class. Please check it. Thanks.
  • [羿朋逃19524165557] - 请把下面四句话翻译成英语,谢谢了。
    宣具疯::1 恶意篡改一些知名词汇造成词汇的混乱和滥用 malicious tamper with some famous words caused confusion and abuse of vocabulary 2 很多广告都故意扩大或夸张至极的产品效果,存在一定的欺骗性 many advertisements are deliberately enlarging or an exaggerated product effect, there are certain deceptive ...
  • [羿朋逃19524165557] - 请把以下5个句子翻译成英文。非常感谢~~
    宣具疯::1,我们被迫来到这个世界。 2,我们被迫去面对许多不同的困难。3,但是我们天生就具备了解决问题的能力。4,我们正在被挑战着。5,我们自己的世界将会被我们创造出来。1.We are unwilling to arrive in the world.2.We are unwilling to face so many difficulties.3.But we are able to slove ...
  • [羿朋逃19524165557] - 请帮我把下面的话翻译成英文,谢谢了,内容见补充说明
    宣具疯::Technical training at Zhongguan, provides learning of how to construct simple molds, and some understandings about molds.During the training, there's a responsibility of investigating, noting and studying knowledges related to the major. There are great achievements in both the feel and ...
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