

  《雪晴晚望》 贾岛





  Watching Sunny Snow at Twilight

  Jia Dao

  Staff-leaning, I watched the sunny scene after snow,

  Clouds above the brook stacked away infinitely.

  A wood *** an returned to his snow-white abode,

  The cold sun descending the precipitous peak.

  Wildfire burned on the grassy ridge,

  Broken columns of *** oke out of pines and stones.

  Just about ready to return to the mountain temple,

  There came the tolling of the heavenly twilight bell.
  《寻隐者不遇》 贾岛



  Seeking out Hermit without success

  Jia Dao

  Beneath the pine I asked the boy,

  He said master's out collecting herbs.

  Just somewhere in this mountain here,

  But deep clouds set me wondering where.
  《题李凝幽居》 贾岛





  On Li Ning's Secluded Residence

  Jia Dao

  Reclusive living has few neighbors,

  A weedy path leads to a garden in ruins.

  Birds nestle in the trees by the pond,

  A monk knocks at the door awash in the moon.

  Across the bridge the view assumes country colors,

  Moving stones shake the root of the clouds.

  Away for now and will be back here again,

  A promise never be gone back on.
  《剑客》 贾岛



  Sword *** an

  Jai Dao

  Ten years it takes to grind a sword,

  Its frosty edge has yet to be tested.

  Today I'm showing this sword to you,

  Is there anyone who has a grievance?


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