


  by Spencer Reece

  I was a full-time house sitter. I had no title.

  I lived in a farmhouse, on a *** all hill,

  surrounded by 100 acres. All was still.

  The fields were in a government program

  that paid farmers to abandon them. Perfect.

  I overlooked Union Lake, a *** all lake,

  with a *** all ugly island in the middle

  a sort of mistake, a cluster of dead elms

  encircled by marsh, resembling a *** ear

  of oil paint left to congeal on a palette.

  Pesticides farmers sprayed on their crops

  over the years had drained into the lake

  and made the water black, the fish shake.

  About the family that built the house

  I knew nothing. Built in 1865,

  perhaps they came after the Civil War?

  It was a simple house. Two stories.

  Six rooms. Every wall crooked.

  Before the house, Indians camped there.

  If you listened you could hear them.

  On Sunday afternoons in early June,

  the sun would burnish the interiors.

  Shafts of light fell across the rooms.

  An old gray cat sparred his mote-swirls.

  Up a tiny staircase, ladder steep,

  I was often found, adrift, half asleep.

  I forgot words, where I lived, my dreams.

  Mirrors around the house, those streams,

  ran out of gossip. The walls absorbed me.

  There was every indication I was safe there.

  Outside, children sang, sweetening the air:

  Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.

  Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream . . .

  their fingers marrying each other with ease

  as the dark built its scaffolding above the trees.

  Peonies spoiled, dye ran from their centers.

  Often, the lawn was covered by a fine soft rain.

  Days disappeared as quickly as they came.

  The children receded. The moon rose.

  Cows paused on the wild green plain

  of all that land still left unmercialized.

  Three years I had there. Alone. At peace.

  Often I awoke as the light began to cease.

  The house breathed and shook like a lover

  as I took for myself time needed to recover.
  There Will e Soft Rains

  by Sara Teasdale

  There will e soft rains and the *** ell of the ground,

  And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;

  And frogs in the pools singing at night,

  And wild plum trees in tremulous white,

  Robins will wear their feathery fire

  Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;

  And not one will know of the war, not one

  Will care at last when it is done.

  Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree

  If mankind perished utterly;

  And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,

  Would scarcely know that we were gone.
  There are Days

  by John Montague

  There are days when

  one should be able

  to pluck off one's head

  like a dented or worn

  helmet, straight from

  the nape and collarbone

  ***those crackling branches!***

  and place it firmly down

  in the bed of a flowing stream.

  Clear, clean, chill currents

  coursing and spuming through

  the sour and stale partments

  of the brain, dimmed eardrums,

  bleared eyesockets, filmed tongue.

  And then set it back again

  on the base of the shoulders:

  well tamped down, of course,

  the laved skin and mouth,

  the marble of the eyes

  rinsed and ready

  for love; for prophecy?
  They flee from me

  by Thomas Wyatt

  They flee from me, that sometime did me seek,

  With naked foot stalking in my chamber.

  I have seen them, gentle, tame, and meek,

  That now are wild, and do not remember

  That sometime they put themselves in danger

  To take bread at my hand; and now they range,

  Busily seeking with a continual change.

  Thanked be Fortune it hath been otherwise,

  Twenty times better; but once in special,

  In thin array, after a pleasant guise,

  When her loose gown from her shoulders did fall,

  And she me caught in her arms long and *** all,

  And therewith all sweetly did me kiss

  And softly said, "Dear heart, how like you this?"

  It was no dream, I lay broad waking.

  But all is turned, thorough my gentleness,

  Into a strange fashion of forsaking;

  And I have leave to go, of her goodness,

  And she also to use newfangleness.

  But since that I so kindely am served,

  I fain sould know what she hath deserved.
  Thinking in Bed

  by Dennis Lee

  I'm thinking in bed,

  CauseI can't get out

  Till I learn how to think

  What I'm thinking about;

  What I'm thinking about

  Is a person to be

  A sort of a person

  Who feels like me.

  I might still be Alice,

  Excepting I'm not.

  And Snoopy is super,

  But not when it's hot;

  I couldn't be Piglet,

  I don't think I'm Pooh,

  I know I'm not Daddy

  And I can't be you.

  My breakfast is waiting.

  My clothes are all out,

  But what was that thing

  I was thinking about?

  I'll never get up

  If I lie here all day;

  But I still haven't thought,

  So I'll just have to stay.

  If I was a Grinch

  I expect I would know.

  But I don't think so.

  There's so many people

  I don't seem to be

  I guess I'll just have to

  Get up and be me.


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