


Gandhi, Indian national leader, was born in Porbandar on October 2, 1869, and educated in law at University College, London. In 1891, Gandhi returned to India and tried to establish(建立)a law practice in Bombay, with little success. Two years later an Indian firm with interests(股权) in South Africa employed him as a legal adviser in its office in Durban. Arriving in Durban, Gandhi found himself treated as a member of a lower race. He was angered at it and decided to throw himself into the struggle for basic rights for Indians.
Gandhi remained in South Africa for twenty years suffering imprisonment(监禁) many times. In 1914 the government of the Union of South Africa agreed to Gandhi's, including recognition of Indian marriages and cancellation(取消) of the pox tax(人头税) for them. After his work in South Africa was completed, he returned to India.
Gandhi was remembered as the international symbol of a free state. Indians regarded him as a saint(圣者;圣徒) and called him Mahatma (Sanskrit, “great soul”), a title for the greatest saints. By the Indian practice of nonviolence which Gandhi held, Great Britain would consider violence useless and would leave India at last. The Indian people, however, could not understand him properly. A lot of rebellions against Great Britain broke out.The British government again caught and put him into prison in 1922.
甘地作为国际符号被世人铭记。(free state真心不会翻译...)印度人把他看做圣者,并称他为“圣雄”,这是给最伟大的圣人的称呼。通过甘地发起的非暴力实践,大不列颠会认为暴力是无用的并最终会离开印度。然而印度人并不能真正的理解甘地。很多反抗大不列颠的叛乱爆发了。英国政府于1922年再次逮捕了甘地,把他放到监狱。
After he was set free from prison in 1930, the Mahatma called on the Indian people to refuse to pay taxes, particularly the tax on salt. Thousands of Indians followed Gandhi, marching from Ahmadabad to the Arabian Sea, where they made salt by evaporating(使蒸发;使脱水) seawater. Once more the Indian leader was put in prison, but he was released (set free) in 1931, ending the march after the British gave in to his demands. From then on, Gandhi led his nation to their great victory until they won the complete independence on August 15th, 1947, but just in the following year, in 1948, Mahatma Gandhi a man devoting all his life to the independence of India, was shot by one of his fellow Indians who opposed his views. He died on January 30th, 1948.

Be busy calling to ask the police to come to
the rescue let him not walk away to a
teen-agers centre along Number Four street
taking turns to arrive at another from a
biography with ball as far as possible

1、Fred can't wear his wife's socks,because they are too small to wear.
2、Mr Brown wants to wear something to work,but there's nothing in his closet.
3、The socks are on the clothesline,and it's raining!
4、Fred has a difficult time this morning.
5、Their sports jackets are at the dry cleaner's.

1、They carry their books on their backs, (don't they)?
2、The owner of the small store is not glad, (is he)?
3、Gloria likes chocolate chip cookies, (doesn't she)?
4、Peter doesn't like reading, (does he)?
5、You love all the students there, (don't you)?
6、The wind blows over the mountains, (does it)?

does not they?
is he?
does not she?
does he?
are not you?
is not it?

Ferd 不能穿他的妻子的袜子,因为袜子太小了以至于他穿不上。
袜子在晾衣绳上, 而天正在下雨!
Ferd 这个早上过的很糟糕。

They carry their books on their backs,__don't they___________?
The owner of the small store is not glad,____is he_________?
Gloria likes chocolate chip cookies,_____doesn't she_________?
Peter doesn't like reading,_____dose he_________?
You love all the students there,_______don't you__________?
The wind blows over the mountains,_____doesn't it______?


Ferd 不能穿上他的妻子的袜子,因为它们对于他说太小了以至于不能穿。
今天早上Fred 遇上了麻烦

1.are't they?
2.is he?
3.doesn't she?
4.does he?
5.are't you?
6.isn't it?


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