
求田螺姑娘这个故事的 英语译文


[词典] snail girl ; The River Snail Maiden(书名)
Perhaps the Snail Girl was just a tale, but the young man Huangbaishan was a realperson.

原出《搜神后记》:晋安帝时,侯官人谢端,少丧父母,无有亲属,为邻人所养。至年十七八,恭谨自守,不履非法。始出居,未有妻,邻人共愍念之,规为娶妇,未得。端夜卧早起,躬耕力作,不舍昼夜。后于邑下得一大螺,如三升壶。以为异物,险以归,贮瓮中。畜之十数日。端每早至野还,见其户中有饭饮汤火,如有人为者。端谓邻人为之惠也。数日如此,便往谢邻人。邻人曰:“吾初不为是,何见谢也?” 端又以邻人不喻其意,然数尔如此,后更实问,邻人笑曰:“卿已自取妇,密著室中炊爨,而言吾为之炊耶?” 端默然心疑,不知其故。后以鸡鸣出去,平早潜归,于篱外窃窥其家中,见一少女,从瓮中出,至灶下燃火。端便入门,径至瓮所视螺,但见女。乃到灶下问之曰:“新妇从何所来,而相为炊?”女大惶惑,欲还瓮中,不能得去,答曰: “我天汉中白水素女也。天帝哀卿少孤,恭慎自守,故使我权为守舍炊烹。十年之中,使卿居富得妇,自当还去。而卿无故窃相窥掩,吾形已见,不宜复留,当相委去。,虽然,尔后自当少差。勤于田作,渔采治生。留此壳去,以贮米谷,常不可乏。 ”端请留,终不肯。时天忽风雨,翕然而去。端为立神座,时节祭祀。居常饶足,不致大富耳。于是乡人以女妻之。后仕至令长云。今道中素女祠是也。

感激神女的恩德,特地为她造一座神像,逢年过节都去烧香拜谢。而他自己依靠勤劳的双手和神女的帮助,日子一天比一天红火起来,几年之后,他娶了妻子,并向仕途发展,中举当上县令。 谢端为了感谢水素女,立了庙,就是今天的素女祠。

Once upon a time, there was a lonely young farmer who made a living by farming for the landlord. He worked hard at sunrise and sunset every day.

One day, he picked up a very large snail in the field. He was surprised and happy. He took it home, put it in a water tank and carefully raised it with water.

One day, the farmer went to work in the field as usual in the morning. When he came home, he saw fragrant rice on the stove, delicious fish and vegetables in the kitchen and boiled hot water in the teapot. He came back the next day. Two days.

Every day, the farmer decided to make things clear. The next day, the chicken crowed for the first time. As usual, he went to work in the field with a hoe. As soon as it was dark, he hurried home to see which kind-hearted man he was.

英文是:Please tell the story of Tianluo girl











Long long years ago,in the Far East, there was a youth farmers, he was very poor, but he was a warm-hearted man, of course, he was very industrious, as the sun rises.


He was working, the sun went down, he would go home and rest. One day he picked up a large river snail,he was very surprised, and very happy,so put it home,kept in the tank,to take care of it everyday.


Oneday,the young man go to farm as usual in the morning,but when he get home night ,he found ,on his desk,there are so many of delicious foods,Including fish,chicken,and A variety of vegetables.


It’s too hard to believe that all these are ture,the young man think so...And the matter didn’t end by this,the next day,remains so,the third day the forth day,every day ,every day like the first day,many delicious food ,just don’t know who did this.


The man decided to find out all of this,so when the cock is called the time,he pretended to go to the farm,and actually he hidden himself outside the house,then climbed in the window.



Long long years ago,in the Far East, there was a youth farmers, he was very poor, but he was a warm-hearted man, of course, he was very industrious, as the sun rises.

He was working, the sun went down, he would go home and rest. One day he picked up a large river snail,he was very surprised, and very happy,so put it home,kept in the tank,to take care of it everyday.

Oneday,the young man go to farm as usual in the morning,but when he get home night ,he found ,on his desk,there are so many of delicious foods,Including fish,chicken,and A variety of vegetables.

It’s too hard to believe that all these are ture,the young man think so...And the matter didn’t end by this,the next day,remains so,the third day the forth day,every day ,every day like the first day,many delicious food ,just don’t know who did this.

The man decided to find out all of this,so when the cock is called the time,he pretended to go to the farm,and actually he hidden himself outside the house,then climbed in the window.




很难相信这些都是真的,年轻人是这么想的... 事情并没有因此而结束,第二天,仍然是这样,第三天,第四天,每一天,每一天都像第一天一样,许多美味的食物,只是不知道是谁做的。这个男人决定找出这一切,所以当鸡叫的时候,他假装去农场,实际上他藏在房子外面,然后爬进了窗户。

Long long years ago,in the Far East, there was a youth farmers, he was very poor, but he was a warm-hearted man, of course, he was very industrious, as the sun rises, he was working, the sun went down, he would go home and rest. One day he picked up a large river snail,he was very surprised, and very happy,so put it home,kept in the tank,to take care of it everyday.
  Oneday,the young man go to farm as usual in the morning,but when he get home night ,he found ,on his desk,there are so many of delicious foods,Including fish,chicken,and A variety of vegetables.It’s too hard to believe that all these are ture,the young man think so...And the matter didn’t end by this,the next day,remains so,the third day the forth day,every day ,every day like the first day,many delicious food ,just don’t know who did this.
  The man decided to find out all of this,so when the cock is called the time,he pretended to go to the farm,and actually he hidden himself outside the house,then climbed in the window watching what the house happened.Soon later ,he believed that he was shocked,he saw a beautiful girl stand up from the tank,where he put the river snail into,that girl’s cloths is dry,altough she was just came out from water.Then she bagan to cook.
  This time,the young man knew all the answers,he opened the door quietly,and then He towards to the girl and and quickly catch her,then,he said,"hey,who are you,where are you from,and why did you help me on cooking",the girl was very shy,she wants escape,but she found there is no way,the young man blocked the avenue of her,helpless,she talked about everything,actully,she was a water snail girl,because the young man saved her,when was threw on the road,and the young man take her home,and give she the necessary water.
  And the young man was very fond of the snail girl,so they get married.

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