




My name is ___.(先介绍自己班级,什么的,自己写吧.)
hello, everyone. today, I am standing here to tell you something about my hometown. My hometown is zhijiang. It’s a town in the south of China and nearby the changing river.
I love this place, because I was born here, living here, grown up here, and so on.

The first thing I like is the food,. There are kinds of wonderful foods in zhijiang. For example, the pears, oranges., fishes, rice. I suggest you should have a try by yourselves. They’re really really delicious.

Second, I love the seasons. Because, the seasons in the place is very good for living. Spring, all of flowers are grown out. Summer, it’s the most season I like. I can have a good holiday. In the holiday I may fishing, swimming and so on, enjoy my holiday. Fall, it’s the harvest time of all. Farmers are busy working for the harvest. Winter, all the leaves are out of the trees and very cold.

This is a little introduction about hometown. I like my hometown very much. And I want to you can love this place after my talk. Thank you very much.

My hometown is a beautiful city ---Wuxi. It is a small city in Jiangsu Province. Welcome to Wuxi!
First,wuxi is also a modern city.It boasts superior geographic location and convenient transportation. There’are lots of tall buildings and large factories. People living here are from different countries. But all of them can speak good English.Oh, there’s something I have to say. Wuxi is also a good place to travel. After enjoying our local classical gardens, you can go to hotels . I think you’ll have a good rest. People here are hospitable. What can you eat in wuxi? There’re many restaurants here. They are from different areas and countries. If you want to eat noodles and pastry, you are here in the right place.
Next, you must go to the house of Mr.Bing to have a look. It is the place where the famous musician once lived .Although he could not see the world ,he loved the world .And we will never forget the famous masterpiece he left : Moonlight on The Pond .I think it is a good place for us to touch the spirit of music.

This is Wuxi. A new city, a new wonderful park with a new outlook.




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