


Read this dialogue between two friends Steve and Jane;
S:Hello Jane, how was your summer vacation?
J: It was great thanks, what about you?
S: I had a good holiday. I'll tell you everything next time.
J: By the way, Bob sends his best wishes.
S: Oh, that nice of him. Well, I must be leaving now.
J: I must go too. See you soon. Bye.
S: see you, bye bye.


Once upon a time there was a farmer who had an old mule. The mule fell into a deep dry well and began to cry loudly. Hearing his mule cry, the farmer came over and assessed the situation. The well was deep and the mule was heavy. He knew it would be difficult, if not impossible, to lift the animal out.
Because the mule was old and the well was dry, the farmer decided to bury the animal in the well. In this way he could solve two problems: put the old mule out of his misery and have his well filled.

Compassion necklace   This was the night which east US's wind and snow occurred simultaneously, the salesman Kress's automobile goes bad in the world of ice and snow mountainous area. Wilderness in all directions nobody, Kress anxious extremely, because, if cannot leave here, he can only freeze to death while still alive. By now, rode a horse the middle-aged man passed by this place, his objections had not said that used the horse to pull out Kress's car the snowy area, pulled to a small town on. The tank race takes disburses money when expresses thanks to this stranger, the middle-aged man said: “I do not request the repayment, but I want you to give me a pledge. When others have the difficulty, you also with every effort help him.”   In afterward day, Kress has helped many people, and told similarly that middle-aged man to his request each person who he helps.  6 years later, Kress the flood which one time has suddenly is sieged on an island, a youth has helped him. When he wants to thank the youth, the youth said the words which unexpectedly that Kress forever also cannot forget: “I do not request the repayment, but you must give me a pledge ...... “Kress to surge immediately at heart a warm current. 绝对没有!我保证

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