


the local customs and practices of Canada

3、Etiquette in Canada, the clothing, in different places have different garb. In the Church, men with a dark suit and tie, woman wearing style stately blouse. At the wedding, the man wearing a suit or, or clothes, dressed in plain clothes without a tie. Women are not dressed too bright, so as to avoid distracting, but is not suitable for wearing white or beige range of clothing, as symbol of pure white color is part of the bride. The wedding in the Church, man to a dark suit and tie, a woman wearing a blouse and solemn. To your friends house or banquets, men to wear dark suits, women package should wear style stately blouse, you can take a makeup, should not be too dense. As was the informal dinner, or are very familiar with, men can wear a different color of jacket and trousers, ladies glove with full or dresses, fashion colors should not be too prominent, style should not be too strange. In Canada the funeral, men with full suit, plain or black tie, women wear plain dress, fashion to conservative, iced and excessive makeup, to show himself on his condolences.

Canada young people love that reflect the rhythm of modern life, so that the dress code is smart, capable people of clothing, such as denim clothing is very popular.

Fourth, dining etiquette

People in Canada and the British beauty on cuisine customs. Due to the climate coldness, they developed a love to eat baked food habits, this is their unique characteristics.

Canada's fork eating, very loving edible roast beef, especially the eight mature steak, habits after dinner coffee and fruit. Canada people in eating well dishes of nutritional quality, preference and sweet to pasta, rice, Supplement to the Hi eat beef, chicken, eggs, sardines, and tomatoes, onions, potatoes, cucumbers, etc. Spices like using tomato sauce, butter, etc. They have to drink brandy, champagne hobby. Canada people not eat shrimp sauce, fish sauce, bean curd and unpleasant smell, the smell of food and animal offal.

In Canada, the party is to flower shop and buy a bunch of flowers to the host, to express their gratitude. At the dinner table, the primary objective of men and women sitting in men and women in General were the owner of the right hand side. Before you print a napkin, Indian lips to keep fresh and clean. At table, left hand right hand fork, knife, knife after use, on the edge of the plate. Eat not to produce sound, not talking, not in public with a toothpick, don't bring your own cutlery set to another location. Canada considered correct and elegant to eat-phase is a gentleman.

6. Business Etiquette

In Canada, engaged in business activities for the first time we met generally must first introduce myself, in the oral presentation on a business card at the same time as delivery. Canada people like people praise his clothes, watches, or to ask about Canada Customs, tourist attraction. In this way, both sides start will find a common language. Conversation is not appropriate to ask each other's age, income and private life, this causes their discontent and unrest.

In business activities, the best free gifts with national characteristics, comparative exquisite crafts. Gifts to gift paper wrapped with a piece of writing with each other and the name of the gift card. Attend the business of the party, as each other in the invitation on the "do not shower", then you should respect the host's comments, don't carry gifts at the banquet.

In business negotiations, to focus on, don't be absent-minded, looking around or to interrupt speech. In formal negotiations, neat, elegant clothes. Canada has a strong sense of time, they will notify you in advance to participate in the activities of the time, too early to arrive, if you have something a little late to minutes, they are generally not accounting, you do not have to be too much explanation. Negotiations do not involve religious beliefs, sex or refute their political views to avoid misunderstandings and disputes.

Canadian culture has historically been influenced by British, French, and Aboriginal cultures and traditions. There are distinctive Aboriginal cultures, languages, art, and music spread across Canada. Many North American Indigenous words, inventions and games have become an everyday part of Canadian language and use. The canoe, snowshoes, the toboggan, lacrosse, tug of war, maple syrup and tobacco are examples of products, inventions and games. Some of the words include the barbecue, caribou, chipmunk, woodchuck, hammock, skunk, mahogany, hurricane and moose. Numerous areas, towns, cities and rivers of the Americas have names of Indigenous origin. The province of Saskatchewan derives its name from the Cree language name of the Saskatchewan River, "Kisiskatchewani Sipi". Canada's capital city Ottawa comes from the Algonquin language term "adawe" meaning "to trade." National Aboriginal Day recognises the cultures and contributions of Aboriginal peoples of Canada

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