

NowIknowIwaswrong.Justasthefirstclassbegin,asthefirstwordtheteachersaidtome,asthefirstsmileappearedonmyface,IrealizedIhadbeena‘real’memberofthisclass. ButtherearethingsI’mnotyetusedto,suchasIdon’tknowalotofwords,andIalwaysdothingsslowly.Myearsarenotgood,butI’vetriedtocatcheverywordtheteachersays,and...

景洪军17060704533:: 下了1个office完全版怎样只安装怎样只安装world+excle+power+point+?
@秋袁屈:::: 自定义安装只勾选安装WORD

景洪军17060704533:: Mo Yan is one of the - ---- - writers in the world now.A. famous &nb... -
@秋袁屈:::: C 试题分析:句意:现在,莫言是世界上最著名的作家之一.分析:考查固定短语one of+ 形容词最高级+ 可数名词的复数.Famous 的最高级形式借助most.故选 C

景洪军17060704533:: So did we……So did I等句子用法 -
@秋袁屈:::: 一、so do I、so am I 也就是so +be/助动词/情态动词这样的句型可以用来表示“某人也一样”,用在前面叙述的情况与某人也相符时. eg. 1,---I like pop music. 我喜欢流行乐---so do I.我也喜欢. 因为此时like是实意动词,选用do或者does,若此时...

景洪军17060704533:: in+the+world作为先行词时,定语从句用什么来引导 -
@秋袁屈:::: 就用where,用where

景洪军17060704533:: 用one of +adj+n 造句5个 -
@秋袁屈:::: One of the longest rivers in the world is Changjiang River . One of tall athletes is Yaoming. One of beautiful cities in China is Beijing. One of famous Chinese in Hollywood is Bruce Lee. One of popular instruments is piano.

景洪军17060704533:: 复合句常用关联词语的作用 -
@秋袁屈:::: 单句与复合句 从句与主句共同组成的句子被叫做复合句.按照从句与主句的关系,从句主要分为名词性从句,它在句子中起名词的作用即作主语,宾语;形容词性从句,它在句子中起形容词的作用,用来修饰名词,代词或全句;还有状语从句,...

景洪军17060704533:: 有没有和湖人有关的歌曲
@秋袁屈:::: http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=World+of+Our+Own&lm=-1 World of Our Own 湖人队歌 http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=K.O.B.E&lm=-1 K.O.B.E KOBE唱的

景洪军17060704533:: 英语单词关于 other 的相关知识 -
@秋袁屈:::: the other 意为the second of the two,指两者中的另一个,系特指.常与one连用 There are two kinds music in the world —— one is written down and the other...

景洪军17060704533:: Beijing is one of the - -- - in the world today.
@秋袁屈:::: 答案B此题考查固定句型结构one of the+形容词的最高级+名词的复数表示最…其中之一.

景洪军17060704533:: perl中括号的作用 -
@秋袁屈:::: 括号里面的会被perl自动记录成$1,$2,$3,.....举个例子,你这2个用来匹配字符串:if ( 'hello/world' =~ /(\S+)\/\S+/ )此时print $1 , 结果是helloif ( '...
