

长世矩15650044180:: 翻译"点这里,按采购信息的行业类别查询"
@屠子悦:::: Click here to search by using purchasing types

长世矩15650044180:: Inmarsat system cannot fulfill the function of - _() - 上学吧
@屠子悦:::: java与oracle的接口: 在数据库中运行JAVA可以说是ORACLE8i的最令人激动的新特... support in Object and Collection types. - nls_charset12. zip NLS classes for use ...

长世矩15650044180:: 英语翻译“教育部要求全国各级各类学校组织学生开展冬季长跑活动”谢?
@屠子悦:::: The Ministry of Education requires all types of schools at all levels organize the students to take long-distance running activity in winter.

长世矩15650044180:: Types documents for the company. - 上学吧找答案
@屠子悦:::: 什么类型什么种类;kind 是种类的意思 n.〈古〉方式,方法;本质,天性;同类;某类 种类,If you talk about a particularkind ofthing, you are talking about one of the types or sorts of that thing. eg:The party needs a different kind of leadership... 该党需要一种不同的领导风格.

长世矩15650044180:: eatting food in zhe classroom大学作文120词汇 -
@屠子悦:::: The Growth of Fast Food in China In present-day China, we can find two types of fast food:western and Chinese. However, not until the recent decade has west...
