

Finally I am going to visit some of my friends. We are going to play together. Maybe we will go sightseeing.I think I will have a great summer holiday.翻译:在即将到来的暑假,我打算做很多有趣的事情。首先,我会完成我的暑假作业。第二,我打算好好休息一下。我打算在我有时间的...

下面是我给大家精心挑选的小学英语作文我的暑假带翻译,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 英语作文我的暑假篇1 Although the summer passed, but my mind also emerged in the summer vacation dumplings scene. In a sunny noon, I went to the little aunt home to do class. One to her door, the little ...

My holiday英语作文,小学,10句话
当然:我过了一个开心的暑假. 逐句对应翻译如下. And I took some interesting pictures of what I watched。而且My Summer Holiday I have had a happy summer holiday,I bought some gifts to thank my parents for their love for me。在假期中,我也拍摄了我观察到事物的一些有趣的照片,我...

关于my holiday 英语作文50字带翻译这个很多人还不知道,今天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、My summer holiday I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things. I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with...

小学英语作文《ma holiday》范文 7句以上,带翻译 急急急!!!
my holiday I had a busy holiday .In the morning,I cleaned my room .In the afternoon,I did my homework.It was a litter diffcult .Then,I played soccer with my classmates.At night ,I watched TV.I saw an interesting talk show.I think my holidday is fun.翻译; 我的假期 ...

他匆忙地穿上衣服。他没有吃早饭,对他妈妈说了声再见就出门了。他骑着自行车往学校去了。当他到学校的时候,他发现大门搜上了。他突然记起来今天是星期天,不用去上学的。4.My mother likes moon cakes, so I like moon cakes, too. Moon cake is circle. My favourite food is moon cakes....

我恳切地希望将来能过着健康而顺遂的一生。从我的能力倾向及人格特质来判断,我理想的生活方式将是担任一名科学家,从事研究讲学以及著作。我的假期英语作文带翻译:My holiday Summer holiday is coming . I want to go to Beijing . I go to Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother ...

my holiday 英语作文带翻译 过去式
I had a happy holiday last week.On Saturday morning,I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes.In the afternoon,I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine,my parents’ and my brother’s.On Sunday,I played football in the park.Then I went to my grandparents’ house....

my holiday 劳动节英语作文(初一的)加翻译
my holiday I had a great time for my vacation .last weak,My family and I went to beijing,The first day ,I visited the Great Wall,how beautiful it was! the second day,I visited the Tian'anmen Square,and we went home in the evening .I really enjoyed myself ...

如下:My holiday was great. I went to Guilin with my family last week. We went there by train.我的假期很棒。上周我和家人去了桂林。我们坐火车去了那里。We stayed there for five days. We saw beautiful green mountains, clear water and special caves.我们在那里呆了五天。我们看到了...

童建审17761072481:: 我的假期生活英语作文 加翻译 第一人称40词左右,着急用, - 作业帮
@尚姿汤::::[答案] My holiday life is meaningful and interesting.I help my parents do the housework after I finish doing my homework.I also read books and surf the internet.Sometimes I visit my friends and play tabe tennis with them.I go hiking and go to the movies,too.我的...

童建审17761072481:: my holiday作文加中文,不少于四十字,急 -
@尚姿汤:::: I have a plan for my holiday.First,i will go to attend a English class during the holidays.Second,I will visit my friends in their house.And finally,I will watch an hour of TV every day on my holidays.Those are my holiday plan. I have a plan for my holiday....

童建审17761072481:: 我的假期生活英语作文 加翻译 第一人称40词左右,着急用,谢谢了!! -
@尚姿汤:::: My holiday life is meaningful and interesting. I help my parents do the housework after I finish doing my homework. I also read books and surf the internet. Sometimes I visit my friends and play tabe tennis with them. I go hiking and go to the movies,too. 我的假期生活非常有意义有趣.做完作业后我帮父母做家务.我也看书上网.有时我去拜访朋友并和他们打乒乓球.我去漫步也去看电影.

童建审17761072481:: My holiday (五年级水平,寒假的)不少于5句话,还要翻译,,,, -
@尚姿汤:::: 您好,很高兴收到求助,以下是本人按题目要求写的英语作文,希望有帮助: My Holiday It is going to be my winter holiday. I will visit my grandma in the country. I want to help my grandma with her housework. I will also go skating with my friends. I will be happy in my holiday. 翻译: 我的假期 寒假就要到了.我要去乡下探望我的奶奶.我要帮奶奶做家务.我还要跟朋友们去滑冰.我的假期会过得很开心.

童建审17761072481:: 作文《my summer holiday life》英文作文,翻译成中文是《我的暑假生活》. - 作业帮
@尚姿汤::::[答案] My Summer Holiday My summer holiday was great this year. I went to a lot of fun places, and I had fun with my family and friends. Some of the places I visited were really beautiful, and I will definitely re-visit them in the future. During this summer holiday, I ...

童建审17761072481:: my summer holiday40字英语作文 -
@尚姿汤:::: My Summer Holiday My summer holiday was great this year. I went to a lot of fun places, and I had fun with my family and friends. Some of the places I visited were really beautiful, and I will definitely re-visit them in the future. During this summer ...

童建审17761072481:: 写一篇暑假是怎样度过的英语作文 带翻译 题目 my holiday 谢谢各位 - 作业帮
@尚姿汤::::[答案] My summer holiday I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things.I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate...

童建审17761072481:: my summer holiday 英语作文200字 带翻译 - 作业帮
@尚姿汤::::[答案] During summer holiday, I can travle a lot. I like travlling very much. But since I am busy with my study when I am at school, I have no time to travel around. Summer time gives me both time and energy...
