

26th=twenty-sixth 27th=twenty-seventh 28th=twenty-eighth 29th=twenty-ninth 30th=thirtieth 参考资料:http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/19931039.html?si=1

第30、thirtieth 30th 第31、thirty-first 31st 句法功能 序数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语和表语。The second is what I really need 第二个是我真正需要的。(作主语)He chooses the second 他挑选了第二个(作宾语)We are to carry out the first plan我们将执行第一个计划。(作定语)She...

基数词 序数词 one.first two.second three.third four.fourth five.fifth six.sixth seven.seventh eight.eighth nine.ninth ten.tenth eleven.eleventh twelve .twelfth thirteen.thirteenth fourteen.fourteenth fifteen.fifteenth sixteen.sixteenth seventeen.seventeenth eighteen.eighteenth nineteen.nineteenth ...

first (1st) 第一 second (2nd) 第二 third (3rd) 第三fourth (4th) 第四 fifth (5th) 第五 sixth (6th) 第六 seventh (7th) 第七 eighth (8th) 第八 ninth (9th) 第九 tenth (10th) 第十 eleventh (11th) 第十一 twelfth (12th) 第十二 thirteenth (13th) 第十三 fourteenth (14th...

first,second, third, fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,thirteenth,fourteenth,fifteenth,sixteenth,seventeenth,eighteenth,ninteenth,twentieth,twenty-first,twenty-second,twenty-third,twenty-fourth,twenty-fifth,twenty-sixth,twenty-seventh,twenty-eighth,twenty-ninth,thirtieth...

1 first 2 second 3 third 4 fourth 5 fifth 6 sixth 7 seventh 8 eighth 9 ninth 10 tenth 11 eleventh 12 twelfth ...如此类推 20 twentieth 21 twenty-first 22 twenty-second 23 twenty-third 24 twenty-fourth 30 thirtieth

二、1-35的序数词的缩写如下:1-10:1st 、2nd 、 3rd 、 4th 、 5th 、 6th、 7th 、 8th 、9th 、10th 11-20:11th、12th、13th、14th、15th、16th、17th、18th、19th、20th 21-30:21st 、22nd 、 23rd 、 24th 、 25th、 26th、 27th、 28th 、29th、30th 31-35:31st、32nd、...

11-20:eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、 nineteen、twenty。21-30:twenty-one、twenty- two、twenty- three、twenty- four、 twenty- five、twenty- six、twenty- seven、twenty- eight、twenty- nine、thirty。2、序数词 1-10:first、second、third、fourth、...

1st = first 2nd = second 3rd=third 4th=fourth 5th=fifth 6th=sixth 7th=seventh 8th=eighth 9th=ninth 10th=tenth 11th=eleventh 12th=twelfth 13th=thirteenth 14th=fourteenth 15th=fifteenth 16th=sixteenth 17th=seventeenth 18th=eighteenth 19th=nineteenth 20th=twentieth 21st=twenty-first 22nd=...

1st = first 2nd = second 3rd=third 4th=fourth 5th=fifth 6th=sixth 7th=seventh 8th=eighth 9th=ninth 10th=tenth 11th=eleventh 12th=twelfth 13th=thirteenth 14th=fourteenth 15th=fifteenth 16th=sixteenth 17th=seventeenth 18th=eighteenth 19th=nineteenth 20th=twentieth 21st=twenty-first 22nd=...

令刷重18760897142:: 1 - 30的序数词(英语'' - 作业帮
@邢妻飞::::[答案] 序数词依次如下: 1st = first 2nd = second 3rd=third 4th=fourth 5th=fifth 6th=sixth 7th=seventh 8th=eighth 9th=ninth 10th=tenth 11th=eleventh 12th=twelfth 13th=thirteenth 14th=fourteenth 15th=fifteenth 16th=sixteenth 17th=seventeenth 18th=eighteenth 19...

令刷重18760897142:: 英文序数词1 - 30 ,及缩写英文序数词1 - 30 ,及缩写 - 作业帮
@邢妻飞::::[答案] 1-100的序数词分为四个类. 1、第一类 first (1st) 第一 second (2nd) 第二 third (3rd) 第三 (在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同.)这类序数词只有三个,在整个序数词里面是特殊的,...

令刷重18760897142:: 序数词1 - 100 - 作业帮
@邢妻飞::::[答案] first第一,second第二,third第三,fourth第四,fifth第五,sixth第六,seventh第七,eighth第八,ninth第九; 十到十九都是... twentieth第二十,thirtieth第三十;fortieth第四十,fiftieth第五十,sixtieth第六十,seventieth第七十,eightieth第八十,...

令刷重18760897142:: 1 - 30的序数词? - 作业帮
@邢妻飞::::[答案] 1st = first 2nd = second 3rd=third 4th=fourth 5th=fifth 6th=sixth 7th=seventh 8th=eighth 9th=ninth 10th=tenth 11th=eleventh 12... 24th=twenty-fourth 25th=twenty-fifth 26th=twenty-sixth 27th=twenty-seventh 28th=twenty-eighth 29th=twenty-ninth 30th=thirtieth...

令刷重18760897142:: 1到30基数词,序数词 -
@邢妻飞:::: 四舍五不入6LV.1 2019-10-30聊聊1、1-30基数词1-10:one、two、 three、 four、five、six、seven、 eight、 nine、ten11-20:eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、 nineteen、twenty;21-30:twenty-one、...

令刷重18760897142:: 一到30序数词用英语怎么写 - 作业帮
@邢妻飞::::[答案] 1-100的序数词分为四个类. 1、第一类 first (1st) 第一 second (2nd) 第二 third (3rd) 第三 (在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同.)这类序数词...

令刷重18760897142:: 序数词(1 - 22英语) - 作业帮
@邢妻飞::::[答案] 1-100的序数词分为四个类. 1、第一类 first (1st) 第一 second (2nd) 第二 third (3rd) 第三 (在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同.)这类序数词只有三个,在整个序数词里面是特殊的,...

令刷重18760897142:: 1 - 100的序数词要完整,1 - 100 - 作业帮
@邢妻飞::::[答案] 序数词:第1 first 第2 second 第3 third 第4 fourth 第5 fifth 第6 sixth 第7 seventh 第8 eighth 第9 ninth 第10 tenth 第11 eleventh 第12 twelfth 第13 thirteenth 第14 fourteenth 第15 fifteenth 第16 sixteenth 第17 seventeenth 第18 eighteenth 第19 nineteenth ...

令刷重18760897142:: 单词翻译英标序数词1到30 - 作业帮
@邢妻飞::::[答案] 第1 first 1st 第2 second 2nd 第3 third 3rd 第4 fourth 4th 第5 fifth 5th 第6 sixth 6th 第7 seventh 7th 第8 eighth 8th 第9 ninth 9th 第10 tenth 10th 第11 eleventh 11th 第12 twelfth 12th 第13 thirteenth ...

令刷重18760897142:: 请给我1~20的英文序数词形式,包括30、40、50、60、70、80、90、100 - 作业帮
@邢妻飞::::[答案] 1-100的序数词分为四个类. 1、第一类 first (1st) 第一 second (2nd) 第二 third (3rd) 第三 (在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同.)这类序数词只有三个,在整个序数词里面是特殊的,...
