

求一个有关中国历史故事的英语作文 网上复制的不要 字数在100多就行...
I would definitely order my troops to retreat three SHE (one SHE is equivalent to thirty LI. The LI is a Chinese unit of length equivalent to 1\/2 kilometre. And, therefore, three SHE is about thirty miles.) as a condition for peace. If, under that condition, you were stil...

its ruler,the State of Jin would be friendly to the State of Chu.If,one day,there should be a war between the two states,I would definitely order my troops to retreat three SHE (one SHE is equivalent to thirty LI.The LI is a Chinese unit of length equivalent to 1\/2 ...

故事三 春天来了,春天是每年的第一个季节。在中国,春天二月来临,那时候还是很冷,但是会运来月暖和,白昼悦来越长。树上的叶子开始变绿,沐浴着大地春风长出了嫩芽。春天也播种的季节。Story 4 Look for a Friend Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He ...

他很努力地学了一个月的中文,然后到了中国开始他的假期。几周后他回来了,他的朋友问他说:“汤姆,在北京时你讲中文遇到麻烦没有?”“没有,我讲中文一点麻烦都没有,”汤姆回答,“但是中国人确实遇到了麻烦!”1.go to evening classes 上夜校。2. have trouble with your Chinese 讲中文时...

中国神话故事英文 1. Introduction China is a country rich in history, culture, and myths. Chinese mythology is filled with stories of gods, goddesses, and other supernatural beings. These stories are often used to explain natural phenomena, to teach moral lessons, and to provide ...

抗日小英雄海娃的故事深深地打动了我。我们一定要好好学习,克服一切困难,长大后做一个合格的共产主义接班人,把祖国的明天建设得更加美好! 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 三 今天语文课我要演讲。求推荐一个小故事,2分钟内讲完。100-200字。急需 十八个经典故事,启动您的一生 1.曾经有个小国到中国来,进贡了三个一模...

实事求是的说,60词就只好简单描述了~~~其实可写的有很多,这只是一个角度,供参考。 4.要一篇英语作文,讲中国的历史故事,尽量不要拉网上的,字数要大 Shen Sheng and believed themRetreating about Thirty Miles as Condition For Peace During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B, Duke Xian of the Sta...

China is a very big country with five thousand years history , 中国是一个有五千年历史的大国 It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. 地处亚洲,位于大洋西岸 China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. 面积达960万平方公里 People of about 1.3billion live and work...


武松怕老虎装死,举起半截哨棒又打了一阵,见那老虎确实没气了,才住手。从此武松威名大震。 (1)武松打虎英文版故事简介扩展阅读: 历史上的武松“打虎”: 据《浙江通志》记载,武松是个常在涌金门一带卖艺的流浪汉,当时的杭州知府高权路经此处,看见武松武艺出众,于是便让他到巡府干差事,不久后受任都头。后来,因...

浦荆制13542805794:: 五年级英语小故事,急……要既简单,又长一点的,能讲1 - 2分钟的. - 作业帮
@訾飞言::::[答案] 1.Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of ... I am as happy as a king. 我喜欢中国新年比喜欢其它任何节日更甚.这是一个专为休息和欢乐的时间.我不需要读书.我穿好衣服...

浦荆制13542805794:: 急求一篇英语小故事、2分钟左右、初中水平! -
@訾飞言:::: 哲理小故事之1. THE LION AND THE MOUSE Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying: "If you would only spare my ...

浦荆制13542805794:: 速求一个中国人保卫祖国尊严的英文故事速求一个中国人保卫自己尊严的英文故事!急,切记是英文的! - 作业帮
@訾飞言::::[答案] 上月中旬到深圳旅游,听说了这么一个真实的故事,故事的经过很简单,讲述的是一辆普通公交车上发生的故事: 这是普通的一天,和往日没什么区别,这是一辆普通的公交车,和一般的公交车完全没有两样,车上是一群普通的乘客,男女老少、妇...

浦荆制13542805794:: 一个英语故事,1 - 2分钟,小学高年级水平. -
@訾飞言:::: Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未晚. There was once a shepherd to the sheep and found that the sheep pen was broken, someone advised him to fill the hollow as soon as possible, he did not listen, the next day the ...

浦荆制13542805794:: 好一点的英语故事,短一点(1、2分钟).要六年级懂得,急急,急急急!要有中文翻译. -
@訾飞言:::: This morning I went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by. But he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelessly....

浦荆制13542805794:: 2分钟英语故事.快!急急急 -
@訾飞言:::: n china, people believe that, at the beginning, the tiger and the cat were friends, and the cat was much smarter than the tiger .The cat learned the physical skills quickly, a...

浦荆制13542805794:: 一则英语小故事2分钟内讲完初中水平 -
@訾飞言:::: ” “糟啦,and says: “Oh!My god.” “糟了. 老猴子也跑过来!Come on, “Goodness me!快来!让我们把它捞起来. Just before they reach the moon, They look at the moon in the well and shout!月亮还好好地挂在天上呢,有只小猴子在井...

浦荆制13542805794:: 2分钟英语小故事给我一个2分钟左右的英语小故事,快,快啊,一定是两分钟的, - 作业帮
@訾飞言::::[答案] 一A man in the fishing by the river,he caught much fish,but every catch fish with a ruler.As long as the big fish than the feet,he threw back into the river.Bystanders who saw don't understand ground ...

浦荆制13542805794:: 求小学二年级水平的1分钟英语小故事,带中文翻译的. -
@訾飞言:::: 第一篇 The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, ...

浦荆制13542805794:: 两分钟英语小故事 -
@訾飞言:::: My name is Stone Breakerإ 〔1〕A very strict『严厉的』officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train『培训』. He had never seen them before, so he began,“My name is Stone, and I'm even harder than stone, so do what I tell ...
