

  文学语言在很多情况下突破语言 ,呈现自身的美学特征。作为高度凝练的文学语言的典型代表,诗歌更加注重追求一种特殊的审美或诗学效果。我精心收集了有关著名的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!
  One Flower

  by Jack Kerouac

  One flower

  on the cliffside

  Nodding at the canyon
  Nearing Autobiography

  by Pattiann Rogers

  Those are my bones rifted

  and curled, knees to chin,

  among the rocks on the beach,

  my hands splayed beneath my skull

  in the mud. Those are my rib

  bones resting like white sticks

  wracked on the bank, laid down,

  delivered, rubbed clean

  by river and snow.

  Ethereal as seedless weeds

  in dim sun and frost, I see

  my own bones translucent as locust

  husks, light as spider bones,

  as filled with light as lantern

  bones when the candle flames.

  And I see my bones, facile,

  willing, rolling and clacking,

  reveling like broken shells

  among themselves in a tumbling surf.

  I recognize them, no other's,

  raggedly patterned and wrought,

  peeled as a skeleton of sycamore

  against gray skies, stiff as a fallen

  spruce. I watch them floating

  at night, identical lake slivers

  flush against the same star bones

  drifting in scattered pieces above.

  Everything I assemble, all

  the constructions I have rendered

  are the metal and dust of my locked

  and storied bones. My bald cranium

  shines blind as the moon
  One of the Monkeys

  by Nicholas Johnson

  I'm one of the monkeys they've got typing

  in a room full of monkeys. It's a play

  Shakespeare wrote back in the old days

  they want us to write again. So we're writing

  a play we never read. They keep inviting

  strangers to watch us and the strangers say:

  "They wrote 'to be or nutti to be'!" They stay

  too long if we write something exciting

  but the bananas flow like wine. We know

  it's a crazy, morbid, ranting play, a stew

  full of murder, love, but with a noble feel.

  Shocked, I see hack monkeys e and monkeys go.

  One keeper killed my father. What should I do?

  I'm watching him. My teeth are as sharp as steel
  New York Notes

  by Harvey Shapiro


  Caught on a side street

  in heavy traffic, I said

  to the cabbie, I should

  have walked. He replied,

  I should have been a doctor.


  When can I get on the 11:33

  I ask the guy in the information booth

  at the Atlantic Avenue Station.

  When they open the doors, he says.

  I am home among my people
  On a Door

  by Jordan Davis

  With practice I could fold a rose

  Or a theory of prose or some treason

  But what is to be got a satire?

  Expedience? the opera of laughter?

  I know conviction from the convict,

  The senator from February.


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