




  I have a lot of harvest in this summer, it can be said to be a basket and a basket.

  Summer vacation, I do not have to go to school, their own time to master more. I do not like other children playing computer, watching TV ... ... but to learn some extracurricular knowledge. I attended the Olympian classes, English classes, swimming classes, but also to a teacher home to learn writing it. Although the time of day are arranged full, but I do not feel hard, but it was very fulfilling. I feel that the ability to answer their own math problems is enhanced; the amount of accumulated English words is richer; the ability to express essays has also been improved; swimming skills have been rapid progress.

  My biggest gain is to watch the Olympic program. I use the rest time to turn on the TV and watch the Olympic program. I saw a lot of good athletes from the TV, they took a lot of medals, when a reporter asked them to get the gold medal, want to say something, the athletes will say: "I am in order to take this gold medal, paid A lot of sweat and a lot of energy.I think you want to be successful must be paid. "Their words let me think for a long time long.


  Just leave, my father took me to the Hengdian film and television city, we play the Jiangnan Water Village, the Ming and Qing Dynasties Palace, Ching Ming River and other attractions, I also put on a small grid of clothing patted, here do not have some rural flavor and mountain atmosphere, Tour finished the film and television city, I really appreciate the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland. July 13 to 15, I went to participate in the "brave summer camp", the summer camp not only let me grow knowledge, exercise the courage, but also let me learn to take care of themselves, know how to get along with the students get along , With tacit understanding. In mid-August, I went to the Siming Mountain Forest Park sightseeing, enjoy the scenery of the green mountains and rivers, enjoy the cool autumn.

  Today, our family to the West Lake. We started, on the way we talked and laughed. Soon, we went to Hangzhou West Lake. After entering, the first thing I saw was the scenery inside. It was summer, the lotus was so large that a flower bag had a child's head as big as it was. On the way to the lotus, I also saw many foreigners. There is a foreigner always wandering in my memory, because he told me a greeting. When he told me that Hi, I really do not know how to answer.

  Enjoy the lotus, we take a boat around the West Lake tour. In the West Lake on the surface, across the bridge, you know what bridge is it? Tell you it, it is broken bridge, that is, Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian meet the place. We went to three small islands: small Yingzhou, Lake Pavilion, Ruan public pier. There is one of the three islands that makes me linger - San Tam. In the evening, the moonlight down, the lake there are three months, really beautiful and!

  Through this tour of the West Lake, I deeply felt the beauty of the West Lake. As the Song Dynasty poet Su Dongpo wrote: "want to the West Lake than the West, makeup full of affordable."

  Tour of the motherland of the mountains and rivers to my summer life to add a bit wonderful, and learning and sports also make my summer full of joy and vitality. Every Sunday I go to Cambridge Children's English training class, which not only cultivates my interest in learning English, but also improve my English level. I also insisted on practicing the organ every day, so I was pleased that in the August 13 of the four exams, I passed. "July 17 to 31, I participated in the training of swimming, swimming in the school I realized the" I exercise, I am happy "taste. In order to enhance my physique, after dinner every day, I and my dad or play badminton or run or go to the district fitness place activities. Summer vacation, learning and exercise of the harvest can be really small!

  This is my summer vacation this year, a colorful and meaningful summer vacation, and I hope that after the summer and summer vacation can be so, so that our primary students really feel the "burden" after the joy.


  With the last day of the bell rang, it means to play with us before, together with the class of students and that hard to educate us, and cordial teacher farewell, also means that we ended our year's fourth grade life, Into the summer vacation life.

  Summer vacation, for some students, is to catch the summer job done, and then the teacher arranged the job is also done quickly, and finally left the time to enjoy their own play, in fact, summer vacation for so long, we can learn more Some extracurricular knowledge, but the summer vacation is not too boring, we can learn in the process can also give the body a holiday, relax, wash away learning tired.

  In the summer vacation in my side happened a lot of fun, I told you to listen to it! This is one of them: that morning, my brother and I went to the river, although the river is very muddy, but the river there are many small fish in the water freely in the water swim, this , I suddenly saw a black fish, a closer look, turned out to be a loach, I found quickly turned to tell his brother said: "My brother has a loach"! Brother said: "where"? I pointed to my brother a look, but that piece of cunning loach fled, although the loans to escape, but we are not not harvest, we both caught a total of four grouper, but that we paid the nine cattle Two tigers only to grasp these little guys.

  My summer vacation is coming to an end, and I really have to be reluctant to bear, in this short period of time I have to try to review the fourth grade of knowledge, to meet the test of a new semester.

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