


With the improvement of people life level,they no longer only care for the accommodation as before,instead,they start to pay more and more attention to the healthy issue,so doing sports become popular for it is of many advantages to both the body and mind of the people.

Firstly,doing sports can help people stay in shape and improve their physical ability,not only giving them a sense of beauty,but also make them more refreshing.In addition,doing sports can help people,especially the office workers,release their pressure to make them feel more relaxed.Of course,doing sports is good way to pass the time,keeping the people from the laziness.
Therefore,we can see that doing sports is really important,hanging on doing sports,life will be better.












那天我和几个小伙伴到康得乐篮球场玩。那天我手很冷,外面是狂风呼啸。投篮怎么也不中,我很无奈。这时一个衣着褴褛、手拄拐棍、满脸络腮胡须、走路一瘸一拐的捡破烂老头走过来。他说:“你过来一下。”我想一个捡破烂的找我干什么,把城市要易拉罐的,算了,我最瞧不起这种人,叫他快走。我眼睛一瞪,嘴噘得老高。两手叉腰,说:“老头儿,你有病呀!快走!别在这儿丢人现眼!”我摆出一副很了不起的架子。“喂,小朋友,我不是来找事的。你的钱包掉了,我找了你好久,终于追上你了。你看是不是。”我仔细看了看,一摸兜,还真是。 “哎呀!钱包丢了!里面有一百多块钱,关键是里面还有我的电话卡和萨克斯准考证,那要是丢了,我就考不了级了。这一年来的辛苦不就白费了吗?”我着急得跺脚。“那你看看这是不是你的钱包?”我迅速抢过了,检查了一遍,还真是我的。我大叫:“太好了!太好了!”高兴得跳了起来。















心想这下可好了吧!于是就尝了一口。乖乖,不是吧,我还没加盐呢!于是又急忙把盐加了进去。 再把火关掉。呼……终于大功告成了!











每当到了一年一度的春节,都会有很多亲戚朋友都会来我家拜年。有一次,爸爸的同事来我家拜年,爸爸妈妈准备了丰盛的菜,有时候菜不够,就去买一些下酒的熟菜。我看着爸爸和叔叔们喝着酒,一边不住的喊:“好酒!”我想菜是里面最好吃的了,听到爸爸和叔叔一 直说酒很好喝。我想酒的味道比菜的还要好吧!于是,我请求他们给我点酒喝,爸爸说:“小孩子家瞎胡闹什么?去,去,去,一边玩去。”



















我可真惨哪,期末考试的最后一天,就是我的生日了,但我却没有尝到蛋糕 。





An unforgettable things"

When I was growing up on the road, there is one thing that I unforgettable. Through the thing, I seemed to grow up a lot.

It was last on New Year's eve, the students would have a class to another card. Red and green card with their mind, to the good friend's hands. Everybody said, smiling face, be permeated with joy, laughter, the classroom a blast.

I was also this happy atmosphere, took a stack of CARDS, written to join the crowd, suddenly, I saw a classmate sitting alone there. It is not the famous "naughty" LiuKai? In the past, he is not running on the playground, is in the classroom ShenKan, even his class all. That is less active. But now, he was a changed man. He is wrong? I looked at him. His silence like a sad, little desire...

Suddenly, I was disillusioned. Sure because no one gave him CARDS, no one said to him, a blessing. I couldn't help feeling sad for him. Put yourself in, if I want to, by collective abandoned by students forgotten, will also have a loss.

Thought of here, I took a piece from the bag and the most beautiful greeting card, thinking, in GongGongZhengZheng above ground writes: "LiuKai, wish you a happy New Year, the study progress, a new step!" Then, I gently folded CARDS, go before him, smiled and said to him: "LiuKai, festival happiness!" While out from behind the card to his hand. He looked at me and then looked at CARDS, happily say: "thank you!" His eyes full of joy. He stood up, Yang set aside the card into the crowd in the shout: "I have a beautiful greeting card!"

Looked at him, I also smiled. The collective how important! Everyone from the collective, everyone needs collective warmth.

A memorable event"

I am ashamed to in the basketball court, basketball, my head is full of remorse and regret.

Remember that han, home of still is sour.

That day I and some friends to play basketball's music. That day I hand very cold, wind blow is outside. How I missed shots, also very helpless. Then a ragged, hands on a beard, and never lean shall walk JianPoLan limped man came. He said: "you come here." I want a JianPoLan for me to do, the city of the cans, calculate, I most despise such men, so that he go. My eyes a stare, mouth Jue chaotic. Arms held akimbo, said: "old man, your paoblem! Go! Don't make a!!!!!" I put a pair of very great shelf. "Hey, kid, I not to go. Your wallet dropped, I find you for a long time, finally overtake you. You see." I looked, a touch, really. "Oh! Lost the wallet! It has more than 100 dollars, the key is in my phone, if the test and sachs lost, I was not a level. This years of hard not wasted?" I hurry stamp. "That you see this is your purse?" I quickly grabbed, check again, was I. I shouted: "good! Very good!" They jumped with joy.

I just want to thank him, he was thinking about wind disappeared. I am depressed give yourself a fist, "I really shouldn't! Knew her purse is still, and I don't follow his cross. I was a fool fool." I am ashamed to low head. He is a poor, can greatly, not greed. For him, this wallet can also let him for life. But he didn't. I moved. I'll never underestimate the poor. This matter will be deep in my heart forever burning cannot erase.

A memorable event"

In my adream place - the school, so many things, a treasure, unforgettable, happy, sad. And one thing in my mind, yet still want some roads, as happened yesterday.

It was on Monday afternoon, after school, as the leader of the helper, I immediately organize everyone cleaning. Some of the others sweeping, wipe a blackboard, some seven hand eight stool, moved to a busy. Ah! Finally is finished. Everybody back schoolbag outside the classroom.

The building, I suddenly a lawn in the rockery next. Ferial, many students have to climb, though I would like to go, but I'm afraid of being on the teacher found that feared by values and supervise the point deduction, so don't dare to go. Now, on the teacher and steering home values, is a good chance? I think, the bag on the floor and run into the lawn.

I wasted no time to climb up, then I felt as if on high, and her hands rested on her hips, and stood in the top jauntier stood for a while, I felt unfulfilled, then start "golden independent", a foot up and learn to like sun wukong, put my hand on his forehead to look. I more satisfied, straight-tempered close your eyes, open your arms flurry. While I fain, suddenly feel gravity instability. Ah, beautiful "golden down." Fortunately, I just below the lawn is green, or legs sleep, also don't know that I was cast into what appearance!

Later, I never do such a foolish thing.

A memorable event"

Last summer, I lived in public, immediately to 12:00 noon, I and my cousin and cousin is from outside the hungry belly is back, "goo goo" call, but found that all people should have fallen asleep. I have the state of the habit of taking a nap, besides cousin and I again not cousin to put them up.

So at this time I suddenly came up with a good idea: oneself cook.

However, a problem in my presence: do something good? I, um, they do exactly a simple meal. Egg noisy







Haiti earthquake: history of natural disasters to hit the countryHaiti has been struck by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake, killing an unknown number of people. The small, impoverished country is prone to severe and deadly natural disasters, especially hurricanes. Severe deforestation, leading to flooding and landslides, and a lack of proper emergency services and infrastructure has resulted in the storms causing the deaths of thousands of Haitians。
Witnesses said the damage was staggering. Tens of thousands of people are estimated to be homeless。The death toll was expected to climb into the hundreds, but no official figure has been released so far。Most radio and television stations stopped functioning, and the airwaves were only punctuated by a few rare radio appeals for help。The Haitian presidential palace stands in ruins。The tremor sparked widespread panic as it brought down buildings including the presidential palace, hotels, a hospital and the UN head quarters in the capital Port-au-Prince。
Rescue teams were hampered when communications went down in the minutes after the earthquake struck at 2153 GMT, but efforts to free people trapped in the debris continued throughout the night

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