
求 Against The Sun 的英文歌词加中文翻译

求Porter Robinson的《Years of War》英文歌词和翻译!谢谢!

  Years Of War(Rob Mayth Remix) - Breanne Düren&Porter Robinson&Sean
Caskey&Dave Darell

  Ake one last look at what you're leaving behind,

  Cause there's no coming back once we go

  We are the children of an innocent crime,

  And it's time to take down the throne

  Although their heads may shake,

  We'll set the city ablaze for their treachery

  We'll spill their blood and set our fathers free

  Oohooh, two hundred years of war

  Fight till we are no more

  A curse on the streets of gold, oohooh

  Just know

  That mine is a hand to hold

  Take back what the kingdom stole

  A curse on the streets of gold

  Oohooh, two hundred years of war

  Fight till we are no more

  A curse on the streets of gold, oohooh

Race against the sun
The villagers' race against the sun to pick the moist, pink flowers that produce the oil is becoming more urgent as they say climate change is making the valley hotter and drier.

against the sun 逐日
Chase the wind and touch the sky
A stars light shines on long after it dies
In the night
Live everyday as if it's your last
Our memories burn bright like beacons of the past
In the night

Now we race against the sun
Now we race against the sun
Now we race against the sun
Now we race against the sun

Race against the sun
Now we race against the sun
Race against the sun
Now we race against the sun

Now we race against the sun
Now we race against the sun

  • [蒋鲁志17175948006] - againstthebackgroundof中的"against"为什么不用in\/under
    封重该::The mountains in the background were capped with snow. 远处的山峦白雪覆盖。I kept hearing the sound of applause in the background.我不断听到隐约的鼓掌声。The elections are taking [place against the background of violence.选举正在暴乱的情况下进行。This is a photo with trees in ...
  • [蒋鲁志17175948006] - against的用法总结
    封重该::1. 注意以下两个基本用法,许多其他用法和搭配均可从这两种基础引申出来:(1) 表示“反对”“对着”“违反”“不利于”等。如:We are all against his idea. 我们都反对他的想法。He was married against his will. 他结婚是有违本意的。He spoke against the new law. 他发言抨击新法律。There...
  • [蒋鲁志17175948006] - these trip是什么against the rules?
    封重该::可以填 are。即,These trips are against the rules.句意:旅行违反了规定。注:原句中trip应该是trips,因为其前面是复数的指示代词those。
  • [蒋鲁志17175948006] - against的用法
    封重该::prep.(介词)(1)In a direction or course opposite to:逆:与某个方向或过程相反:row against the current.逆水行舟 (2)So as to come into forcible contact with:对撞:为与…达成猛烈接触:waves dashing against the shore.拍岸的波涛 (3)In contact with so as to rest or press on:...
  • [蒋鲁志17175948006] - against怎么翻译
    封重该::"against"是一个常见的英语介词,可以有多种翻译,具体取决于上下文和使用场景。以下是一些常见的对"against"的翻译:"反对":当"against"表示抵制、反抗或不同意某事物时,可以翻译为"against"。例如,"He is against the proposal"(他反对这个提议)。"对抗":当"against"表示在竞争、战斗或比赛中与...
  • [蒋鲁志17175948006] - against the current-red求中文歌词!
    封重该::Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street 爱他的感觉犹如将崭新的玛莎拉蒂开向绝路 Faster than the wind, passionate as sin,ending so suddenly 狂风般迅疾,激昂得罪恶,结束于恍惚 Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through ...
  • [蒋鲁志17175948006] - Me Against the World ! 好难理解~!
    封重该::这是口语表达,如果标准点就这么说: I'm against the whole world! 我在与整个世界作对!口语体经常用 me 代替 I, 例如: Who is there? It's I\/me. 谁在那里? 是我。
  • [蒋鲁志17175948006] - 关于against的用法及解释
    封重该::1. 注意以下两个基本用法,许多其他用法和搭配均可从这两种基础引申出来:(1) 表示“反对”“对着”“违反”“不利于”等。如:We are all against his idea. 我们都反对他的想法。He was married against his will. 他结婚是有违本意的。He spoke against the new law. 他发言抨击新法律。There...
  • [蒋鲁志17175948006] - against的用法
    封重该::against的用法 1. 作为介词使用:表示反对或反对某人\/某物。如:I am against your decision.。用于描述事物之间的对比或对抗关系。如:The team played against a strong opponent.。用于描述方向或位置上的相对。如:The sun rises against the horizon.。2. 作为形容词使用:表示反对的、不利的等...
  • [蒋鲁志17175948006] - 英语中有时用介词against来表示通过某种东西来做某件事情,它和by、with...
    封重该::against 表示位置,意为“靠着”、“顶着”、“迎着”、“衬着”等:The teacher’s desk is against the wall. 老师的办公桌靠墙放着。He stood leaning against the tree. 他站着斜靠在墙上。Thered flag looks very bright against the blue sky. 红旗在蓝天的衬托下显得十分鲜艳。表示“...
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