
高分求物流英语翻译 在线等~!!!


实用英语Practical English
管理学原理Principles of Management
体育physical education or training
思修与法律 Repair and legal thinking
公共关系学public relations
演讲与口才Lecture and Eloquence
国际贸易理论与实务International Trade Theory and Practice
财务管理financial management
商务谈判Business Negotiation
企业营销策划Marketing Planning
经济法Economic Law
电子商务概论Introduction to E-Commerce
形势与政策Situation and Policy
体育physical education or training
工程实训Engineering Training
大学语文College Chinese
政治理论Political Theory
市场营销marketing and sales
实用英语2Practical English 2
消费心理学Consumer Psychology
推销学Marketing study
市场调查market research; market survey
经济学基础Basic economics
价格学Price Science
供应链物流管理Supply Chain Logistics Management

1.no need this asset plate for Indonesia cooler
2.tempered glass must always be indicated via stamping or special marking
3.option for RFID shuold be defined by the purchase order according to PCD from sales/planning



被定义为RFID shuold3.option通过采购订单销售根据PCD/规划




Reverse logistics is refers to, when sales to the customer of the goods need to return (return of sales or returned to the maintenance) need authorized behavior from the point of view of logistics, refers to the process of reverse logistics in the actual business operation, when the customers are returning the goods maintenance or return of sales, not only contains the most front end of the act of authorization, but also involves after end a series of and examination maintenance cash flow and logistics related process

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    冉贸穆::The 21st century is the information age. Entering into the 21st century, the world's economic, technological and cultural have undergone tremendous changes, affecting every corner of society, affecting the lives of every person. Especially the media, as modern media technology and the ...
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    冉贸穆::verve, the long time preservation, the famous at home and abroad, the famous intact.求高人翻译这段话,是我们老师布置的翻译作业:孔庙是祭祀春秋思想家、教育家、政治家孔子的庙宇。位于山东曲阜市旧城中心,原为历代祭孔之地,今为全国文物重点保护单位。现今孔庙是明清两代完成的,其建筑仿皇宫...
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    冉贸穆::The source of life, persistent education community groups work - record dribs and drabs Zhuhai: calendar, doumen energy-saving environmental prote
  • [裴贫飘15998602895] - 高分急求翻译,晚上用,在线等!(6)
    冉贸穆::I was born a Pisces, and I love dreaming ever since I was a little kid. I was interested and fascinated by colorful things and graphics when I was very little. When I saw a picture, I would convert it into an image in my mind, and these filled my head, all those ...
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    冉贸穆::Guarantee for Accepted Controlled Environmental Substances We assure you of compliance of the substances contained in products or components (accessories, packages and other items provided along with the products) we (including subsidiaries, associates and the like as below ) directly provide ...
  • [裴贫飘15998602895] - 高分急求翻译,在线等
    冉贸穆::Wine accompanied by life, are you a unique selection.Whether it is a holiday afternoon独酌or chat friends of booze, only to appreciate the experts will be in the red wine in a simple and honest goods, the goods in Liquor Subtle.This style is someone you will never be able to...
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    冉贸穆::由于字数限制,我分几次回复啊 The theme of display boards:life,the source of continuous education which records of dribs and drabs of community groups' work. 算了,好像就只能回复一次,我帮不上忙了。
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