


1、The manager plays an important role in this company.
2、I am shocked at the news that he passed away.
3、I am shocked at the way my neighbour treats his son.
4、Living alone in a lonely village does'nt make him feel lonelier.
5、Help me to pull off my boots as well.
6、He burst in,shouting at me.
7、We burst in without letting them know.
8、I just wanna wander around Europe.
9、They rescue hostages that are kidnapped by terrorists.
10、He is always forcing his little brother to do things for him.

1、I suggest to hold a meeting to discuss the problem./I suggest that we hold a meeting to discuss the problem.
2、Smoking is forbidden
3、 forbids me to chat with net friends online/forbids my chat with net friends online/forbids me chatting with net friends online

1 我记得在看完头两页之后就把书收起来了,可是现在书不见了。(go missing)

1. I remembered that I had packed the book up after reading the first 2 pages. But it goes missing now.

2 由于天气恶劣,机场被关闭了。(because\due to)
2. Due to the bad weather, the airpost is clolse.

3 警察排除了谋杀的可能,但是他的死亡仍然让每个人
都很怀疑。(rule out,however)
3. The police ruled out the possibility of murdering, however his death still made every body suspect.

4 一个孩子能在互联网上创建一个公司,这有可能吗?(possibility)
4. Is there any possibility for a kid to set up a company on Internet?

1. I remember that I stored the book after reading the first two pages, but now it goes missing.

2. The airport is closed because the weather is atrocious/too bad.
或者Due to the atrocious/bad weather, the airport is closed.

3. The police ruled out the possibility of murder. However, his death still makes everyone suspect.

4. Is there any possibility that a child can establish a company on the Internet?

1.I remember that I have put away the book after 2 pages,but it has gone missing now.

2.The airport was closed due to the bad weather.

3.The police ruled out the possibility that he was killed by others,however,his death was still doubted by everyone.

4.Is it a possibility that a kid will build a company on the internet.

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